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Flu? no more with...
Scientific name: Mansoa alliacea
Semitrepable shrub 3 m tall or more, vegetative parts with a smell Garlic or onion . Bifoliolate leaves with trifid tendril, leaflets aborted to ellipticals of 5-27 x 2-18 cm, with acute to obtuse apex and cuneate base. Axillary inflorescences in pausiflora clusters or panicles; cupular calyx 5-10 cm x 6-11 mm; corolla Violet tubular bell - shaped 6 to 9 cm long. Fruit linear capsule oblong lignified, strongly angular, smooth surface. Seeds with two membranous wings
Is a climbing plant tropical evergreen that is native to the rain forest of the Amazon . It can be described as a bush or one liana since it produces numerous woody vines from the root that reaches a size of only 2-3 m tall.
Growing in South America, where it can be found growing wild in the tropical rainforests of Ecuador . It is especially abundant in the forests next to the Amazon.
It is a very common and well-respected plant remedy in the Amazon for pain and inflammation of arthritis and rheumatism , as well as the cold, the flu , and fever . Some capsule and leaf products are sold in stores in Ecuador and can be found as an ingredient in several other multi- herb formulas for cold and flu, pain.
It is used as antibacterial , anti-inflammatory , antihistamine , antioxidant , antispasmodic , diuretic , hypotensive (low tension), relaxing muscles and uterine relaxant.
It has analgesic, antirheumatic, antiarthritic, for headache problems , sedative effects . In the traditional medicine The leaves, stems and roots are used externally and internally. It is used above all against rheumatism , taking a maceration and applying the leaves on the affected parts. "Take the alcoholic maceration of the bark or the root or plaster with the leaves in the painful area. It is also used against migraine, muscular pains and arthritis . Internally, it strengthens immunity and alleviates respiratory system conditions. In addition , it is an effective repellent against mosquitos