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Anti-cancer - Anti-inflammatory
Scientific name: Taraxacum officinale
Today it has spread to virtually all continents. It is easily found on paths, pastures, meadows, direct seeding, and especially in gardens, so much so that it is considered a weed or "weed" by gardeners. The dandelion, so named mainly because of the small and trimmed leaves it has, is a perennial plant that grows in all regions of the world, and is ideal as a depurative when, for example, we want to facilitate the different functions of elimination both digestive and renal. Taraxacum officinale Dandelion It can act on the liver, kidney and gallbladder. Purifies the body, the blood, of toxic elements. Digestive tonic against constipation and alcohol hangover. Flowers The floral chapters before opening can be pickled in vinegar and salt as if they were capers. They can also be fried. Fresh you can walk the petals in salads. They also make summer wine. Sheets They are used as spinach, cured in salads or cooked as a vegetable. In salads they have a rather bitter taste, so only the tender shoots are collected. Infusions can be prepared with the dried leaves for the medicinal purposes described below. The root As a source of important nutritional and favorable elements for medicine, the roots of the plant have been used to control fever, diabetes, diarrhea and for weight loss. Chinese naturists have long used dandelion root to treat digestive ailments, inflammation of women's breasts, appendicitis, among other ailments. In America, the natives used the root to boil it and treat inflammation, skin problems, upset stomach and liver damage. mainly to help the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Adult plants (2 years old) are roasted and used as a non-caffeinated coffee substitute, such as chicory root. The root is also fermented to make beer.
Blood: It is a useful supplement to purify and strengthen the blood. In herbalism it is recommended to remedy anemia. Use: The leaves have these properties and can be applied in salads.
Liver: To cure liver problems. Chronic liver congestion, cirrhosis and liver stones are some of the things that dandelion can heal. Use: Consume in the form of tea or soup, from the roots of the plant.
Gastric: To improve digestive system problems: loss of appetite, stomach pain, stomach ulcers, intestinal gas. It is also used as a diuretic and laxative to remove toxins and prevent constipation.
It is an excellent digestive tonic, so do not hesitate to use it if you have overdone it with food.
Use: When a few dandelion leaves are chewed, it facilitates the production of saliva and stomach acid necessary for digestion. It is important to avoid excess to limit the risk of overproduction of stomach acids.
Cancer: Dandelion tea to fight cancer. It could have a powerful anticancer effect that could be up to 100 times more powerful than chemotherapy. Its root, for example, has a high power to help cancer patients. How: Bring a quart of water to a boil in a pot. Chop the root coarsely. Add 2 teaspoons of chopped root to the pot, cover and lower the heat. Boil the root in the covered pot for about a minute. Remove the pot from the heat. Let the root soak in the covered pot for 40 minutes.
Coffee: Dandelion coffee or tea is becoming really popular; when making this infusion we do not have to do much work or effort, we simply have to grind the roots of the dandelion and we use the powder that we get in the same way that we do with coffee, which will really have a very similar texture, aroma and flavor. but unlike coffee, it does not have any negative effect on our body or alter our health. Remember that in order to grind the roots, we must first have let them dry for a long time, otherwise it will be practically impossible for us to obtain any powder from it, we do not promise you that the taste will be exactly the same as coffee (you will realize if you are really an expert in coffees), but the taste is really similar. When I make my dandelion coffee in the morning, I use about half of what I would use to make a regular coffee. In my opinion, that's fine. This infusion, as it does not contain caffeine, is even drinkable by children if their doctors allow it.