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Natural antibiotic


Scientific name: Kalanchoe pinnata

Commonly called leaf of the air or evergreen, chiriyuyo in Ecuador, is a species of belonging to the Crassulaceae family, native to Madagascar and spread around the tropical areas of South America, Succulent plant that is distinguished by the profusion of tiny seedlings that form on the margins of its leaves, this trait is common among members of the Bryophyllum section of the genus Kalanchoe.

Acidic phenyl components have been detected in the leaves, such as p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, coumaric, ferulic and syringic acids, the diavinoside flavonoids of quercetin, glucoside of camferol; and organic acetic, malic, citric, lactic, fumaric, oxalic, and succinic acids; triterpenes alpha and beta-amirin, their acetates, briofolone, briofinol, 18-alpha-oleanone and taraxasterol; sterols bryophyllol, 24-ethyl-25-hydroxy-cholesterol and beta-sitosterol.

The juice of the leaves of this plant exerts an in vitro antibiotic activity against the bacterial species Staphylococcus aureus. Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; The presence of antifungal activity is also reported in in vitro studies, with an aqueous extract of the leaves of the plant.


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